a.b. johnson/SavvySpirit.com
lighten up   

Inform / Scoop

This page is for local and/or otherwheres event announcements and news. If you have anything you would like to add, I'd love to add it. Just send the info to abjohnson@savvyspirit.com and I'll post it straightaway (unless I don't post it straightaway, whereas I'll post it not long thereafter.)

The Blogshpere - Savvy Spirit Blog

And you thought I could drone on in a essay.

There is now a blog link added to the above navigation. Not only is said blog's purpose an attempt to catch those sudden inspirations not necessarily rating the "essay treatment," but, if I learn how to work the blame thing, an opportunity for you to participate. I thought about doing a forum but didn't want to go all nutso if the moderation of it became a nightmare. So I chose, instead, a blog to, er . . . I know . . . oxymoron—same difference.

Anyway, the idea is to engage, interact, comment, query and have fun, so . . .